About Us

Bio: At Faith and Hustle, our journey is woven with threads of passion, creativity, and unwavering faith. Meet our visionary leader, Shott Brown, a seasoned graphic designer with over 20 years of experience in shaping visual narratives. Her eye for detail, coupled with an unyielding commitment to excellence, has left an indelible mark on our brand.

Shott Brown didn’t just create Faith and Hustle; She birthed it from the very fabric of her soul. Driven by a desire to bridge the gap between urban lifestyles, streetwear, and faith, she embarked on a mission to redefine cultural expression. Her brand is her canvas Not just clothing, but a movement—a fusion of urban culture and sacred convictions.

From Pixels to Purpose”: Shott’s graphic design journey paved the way for Faith and Hustle. Her expertise breathes life into every stitch, every print, and every design. When pixels meet purpose, magic happens.     

Daughter of a pastor and a street poet, she weaves her life experiences into every stitch of Faith and Hustle. From church pews to city sidewalks, she’s the bridge—the heartbeat—between two worlds. Her graphic design prowess; A divine language that speaks to the faithful and the fearless hustlers alike.                 

“Where Urban Culture Meets Unshakeable Faith”

Our brand isn’t about fitting in; it’s about standing out. We’re the saints who strut sidewalks, the rebels who pray in graffiti. Faith and Hustle is where the sacred meets the street—where style becomes a sermon.

At Faith and Hustle, we’re not just selling fabric; we’re weaving narratives. Our mission? To ignite conversations, spark revival, and dress the warriors—the ones who hustle with faith as their compass. We’re the intersection of urban culture and unshakeable belief. Because when you wear our brand, you wear resilience, redemption, and revelation.”